all postcodes in SN3 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN3 6AA 5 51.543293 -1.734254
SN3 6AD 0 51.538745 -1.739469
SN3 6AH 0 51.546209 -1.73585
SN3 6AJ 0 51.546123 -1.737869
SN3 6AL 0 51.54901 -1.738184
SN3 6AN 0 51.549813 -1.739146
SN3 6AP 0 51.550158 -1.740759
SN3 6AQ 1 51.545852 -1.741159
SN3 6AR 0 51.549276 -1.740606
SN3 6AS 0 51.548528 -1.739427
SN3 6AT 0 51.548088 -1.740007
SN3 6AU 0 51.548747 -1.741041
SN3 6AW 0 51.550725 -1.740973
SN3 6AX 0 51.549656 -1.741426
SN3 6AY 0 51.551392 -1.741661
SN3 6BB 1 51.538528 -1.7272
SN3 6BE 1 51.551195 -1.725756
SN3 6BN 0 51.536551 -1.727572
SN3 6BS 0 51.551657 -1.7354
SN3 6BT 0 51.551102 -1.736788